Movie Night in Cleveland!
Movie Night in Cleveland!
By: Gavriella | Rosh Pirsum, Cleveland
Taf Girls had so much fun at the long-awaited Lion King movie night with all the Taf girls! The only thing that made it better was the snacks: popcorn, brownies AND muffins ! Afterwards we had the best time dancing together to the soundtrack before everyone had to leave. Looking forward to events like this in the future.
By: Yonatan Ginsburg | Co-rosh Taf
This past Sunday, the taf boys gathered at the home of the mayerfelds for a movie night and watched cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2. Food in the movie was not the only food that was enjoyed, however. Everyone had popcorn and pizza and had a great time together. After the movie, we played basketball. Everyone is looking forward to the next event!